Sunday, April 3, 2016

March 21, 2016 "I love this gospel and the love and hope it has to offer people"

First I have to say happy birthday to Cooper! I cannot believe you’re going to be 12! And not to mention you’ll get the priesthood! You’re going to be a totally different person when I get home, not to mention I think you’re already taller than me... Anyway happy birthday bud you should write me soon (;

This week has been another good one! No surprise there! For Pday today we went with the Padillas (members in our ward) and they gave us breakfast, let us wash our clothes and all of that!
Then we meet up with the other Hermanas in El Centro to do some shopping and walking around, I found some cute dresses, so score!

As for this week, this last Friday we had a stake Relief Society activity. Each ward in the stake put together a little skit, played songs or whatever together. Our ward, Estadios, did a reenactment of how the relief society came to be through Emma and Joseph Smith. Hna Muro was Emma and sang a little solo at the end of our skit and the other missionaries joined her on the chorus, we sang Fe en cada Paso.. (Faith in Every Footstep) it was a super fun activity. Every ward brought food to share and so there was tostadas, tortillas, basically all really good Mexican food! ha Oh I forgot to mention we all had to dress up as pioneers! I have some good pics :)

Our awesome investigator Ernesto continues to progress but he will be leaving soon to work somewhere else so we won’t be able to teach him. But he talks about getting married in the temple and all of that! He will be here a few more days. We will try to teach him a little here and there. We gave him our contact info so he can tell us when he gets baptized (:

We started teaching a family this last week we met a couple of weeks ago outside their house. Oh my goodness I have so much hope for them. This family, the Castillo’s, are so awesome! They are really open to everything we have to say and the dad knows a lot about the church. He always is talking about temples and Joseph Smith. And they all agreed to be baptized! There are the parents and they have two kids, a daughter that’s 10 and a son that’s 7. So we got three people who hopefully will keep progressing! Our lesson went awesome with them and they said they would read the BOM together. We will see them again Wednesday! Again. lots of hope. I would love nothing more than to help a family go through the temple, what a dream that would be!

 Sunday night we had FHE at the Padilla’s house, they don’t live in our area but they are super close and their son who is less active does live in our area so we all went to their house and watched 17 Miracles and had “Avena”, a super good rice drink. Being able to watch movies is such a luxury thing in the mission.

This Saturday is the Women’s Conference and Hermana Valdivia invited us to eat with her before and go with her to the conference! She’s also going to bring me a tablet so I can watch it in English... ha I hope that works. If not I’ll just have you send me the talks or something (:

I just have to tell you about how grateful I am to the families in this ward here in Tepic! Mainly the Luquin’s ( the bishops fam), the Valdivia’s ( the Relief Society Prez and our ward mission leader) and the Padilla’s ( just really good friends, her daughter is Paola) All three of these families are always feeding us, always making sure we have somewhere to eat, letting us wash our clothes at their houses, inviting us over for breakfast,giving us advice, coming and doing visits with us and so much more! I am so grateful I’ve gotten to get to know these people they have been such a blessing in my life.

Sadly we don’t have tons of progressing investigators; we had a lot that were not progressing so we had to stop visiting them. We have been busy trying to find some. We do have one named Andrea. I’m pretty sure I’ve told you about her.  she’s 19 and has been seeing the missionaries for 4 months. She went to church this Sunday and is preparing for the 9th of April for her baptismal date! It is later because of Conference. We have been working hard with her and I hope she keeps progressing so we can watch her be baptized while we are here!
That’s all I can really think of this week! My Spanish really is better and better every day and I’m so grateful for the gifts of tongues, I love being able to talk to people and help them the best I can. I love this gospel and the love and hope it has to offer people. I’m grateful to be on a mission and having these amazing experiences, I feel blessed every day. I LOVE YOU ALL! Have an amazing week! 
Con amor,
Hermana Acor

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