This week we have seen a ton of Miracles! First we were able to have our Mission Christmas party on Tuesday. We had 2 zones come together... there were 68 missionaries in one church. It was super fun. Each Zone was able to put on a small skit.My Zone (Union) danced and lip sang to one of the Christmas songs that the assistants picked. We ended up splitting into groups and each group had to make little decorations and plan how they we were gonna act out our part. It turned out pretty good and funny (: You guys can see the video when i get home haha.

Then on Saturday we had our ward Christmas party and you guys wont believe it.... we had 8 Investigators come!!! My comp and I were running around like crazy people introducing our investigators to the members. One of our new investigators is named Elsa and has 4 kids. We have only been teaching her for about 2 weeks now but she came with all her kids and I think the cutest thing we saw was how the kids in the ward made sure that the kids of hna. Elsa felt included. Some of the members were shy to try and be friends with our investigators but the best example we saw of missionary work was of the kids in the ward! Our recent convert Ximena has been a member for almost 2 months now and never left the side of one of the kids of hna Elsa. They were also able to come to church!

We got her kids all put into their classes and after we were able to talk to them and they said they really liked their classes! My comp and I heard Elsa's little boy ask her if they could come back to church tomorrow too (: She had to sadly tell him that he had to wait a week to come back to church (: She has a baptismal date for the 21st of January! We are gonna work with her kids too so they can all be baptized together! She has family members that are members of the church and has assisted before in other areas. She told us the other day that she wants her kids to grow up with the values that the church has and that she knows this gospel can help her have a better life! Keep her close in your prayers (: We finished Karen's lessons this last week!!! We are now just going to do an overview of the first three lessons because she received these lessons back in August. Her baptism will be on the 7th! It has been an amazing week for us. We have been able to have some really powerful lessons filled with the spirit and for this I am so incredibly grateful. Thursday and Friday we were able to have some muertos ( people that are finishing their missions) in our house.

And it made me realize how quickly the mission really does just fly by. I am at a point right now that I can't even see myself going home, It feels like I've been in the mission forever but at the same time the months have flown by. I am so grateful God called me to be a missionary and even more that I am able to be here in Mexico. I have such a strong testimony of missionary work. It really does change lives. I love you all and hope you have an amazing Christmas! I can't wait to see and talk to you guys on Sunday!!! (:
-- con amor
Hermana Acor
Mexico celebrating Mary's Birthday |
12 days of Christmas presents from home |